Jean-Charles Amey, jeune designer français nous présente VAC Shelf, une étagère empilable appartenant au projet Vita Activa Contemplativa.
A la base une étagère, ou plutôt une console de bois se multipliant en s’élargissant de quelques centimètres à chaque nouvelle entité. Telles des poupées russes, elles s’empilent parfaitement jusqu’à former une imposante bibliothèque.

Sa bio :
« Jean-Charles Amey is a designer with a pluri-disciplinary approach and know-how that can transcribe content into visual reality that is instinctive while remaining constant to speed, progress and change, which are the everyday preoccupations within the field of design practice.
Born in France in 1984, Jean-Charles received a first degree in multimedia from Belfort-Montbéliard University in 2004 and in 2008 a Masters from the Ecole Superieure of Art & Design in Rheims. In 2009 he participated in Design Parade 09 at the Villa Noailles of Hyères.
Collaborating with designers like Pierre Charpin and Robert Stadler in Paris, at the same time he also founded with Pierre-Yves le Sonn the STUDIO AMEY & LE SONN. In 2012, he joined creative forces with food designer Marc Bretillot and Earlwyn Covington to make from scratch the thinking food design platform.
His work entails both commissioned and self initiated projects.«

Plus d’informations sur le designer : Jean-Charles Amey
Tags: blog esprit design