Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes de la semaine avec les bonnes pratiques en Marketing, Design, SEO…
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Carat: 10 trends for 2013 from Babelfish – Brian Crotty
15 Essential WordPress Plugins (and 5 That Will Just Blow Your Mind) from Mykl Roventine
Conversion Content Marketing by Scott Brinker from ion interactive
CES 2013: The Year of the Connected Brand – Consumer Electronics Show Recap from David Berkowitz
Trends2013 Online from Jorg Verweij
Veiller from nadyabb2
What is Pinterest? from ChicagoNow
France Télévisions Nouvelles Ecritures : collection 2012 from Myfrancetv
Freak Out, Geek Out, Seek Out: Trends, Transformations & Change in Libraries from David King
29 Content Marketing Secrets e-book from TopRank Online Marketing
Intro To Hadoop from Bill Graham
Gamification in Market Research from Social Physicist
Livre blanc Linkedin, nouveau territoire de communication from Agence Double Numerique
5 lessons from Bang the Table
B2B Content Marketing Strategies for Demand Generation and Lead Nurturing from ReTargeter
6 trends and tactics changing marketing and social media from Kyle Lacy
How and Why to Start Sketchnoting, UX Week 2012 from Veronica Erb
How to Build Your Brand Like a Pro from Mauro D’Andrea
Content Marketing Like a Real Company from Michael King