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China Olympic Games 2008 - Free Tibet now !

Publié le 09 avril 2008 par Pierre-Olivier Carles

I've just decided to create my own Olympic Torch, directly at home.

The Olympic Games 2008 give us a "one-shot" opportunity to help Tibetans. I suggest that we create our own Torch Relay, to protest for Tibet in a pacific way.

A simple act :
- Create you own torch at home (a candle could be fine... your creativity !),
- Post it on your blog or/and your Flickr account, with the keywords or tags : "FreeTibetNow",
- Join the Flickr group "Free Tibet Now" and put your torch's picture,
- Optional : Geotag your picture (Home or Office) in the Map.

Maybe I'll be alone to do this. Actually, I don't care... :-)

Feel free to join !

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