Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes de la semaine avec les bonnes pratiques en Marketing, Design, SEO…
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Hooked Workshop from Nir Eyal
Chris Bennett 97th Floor eTourism Summit 2012 Pinterest for Travel Marketers from 97th Floor
Content Automation and Integration from Brian McDonald
Organizational & Time Saving iPad Apps for Teachers from Shelly Terrell
Google+ for Nonprofits from Shelly Kramer
Developing your team from Denis Petelin
Présentation Facebook Photobox pour FrenchWeb from frenchweb
39 cool facts about social media from Blue Cloud Europe Ltd
Design methods for developing services from Fred Zimny
Creating Content (That Works) from Amy Vernon
The Drupal Way from Eryk Budi Pratama
Real time web from Dingding Ye
The end of fame (as we know it) from Guillaume Decugis