
Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Publié le 28 février 2013 par Frederic Canevet @conseilsmkg

Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes de la semaine avec les bonnes pratiques en Marketing, Design, SEO…

Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…

Social media 2013 from Ethinos Digital Marketing

Startup DNA from Yevgeniy Brikman

Ten Tricks to Get the Creative Juices Flowing from Abhishek Shah

Introduction to Professional Communication and Presentation from Alex Rister

Social Media For Business (Oslo, Norway; November 14, 2012) from Brian Carter

Content Marketing: From Good To Great — Zena Weist (Social Fresh WEST 2012) from Social Fresh

OpenSaas – From Product to Service – Part 1 – Intro & You run it from Patrick Debois

Facebook EdgeRank – Ein Mythos und der Einfluss von Maschinen @ AllFacebook Marketing Conference / Berlin 2012 from

Guerrilla marketing – from 0 to 10M downloads from Iris Shoor

10 idées reçues sur les blogs professionnels from Dix-Katre

A branded visual content theorem from conceptbakery

Digital Marketing Case Study + 2013 Consortium Details from Best Practices, LLC

Design Thinking 101 from Atthaphong Limsupanark

10 Powerful Tips to Increase Your Sales from Mauro D’Andrea

20 Ways to Rock Social Media – Visual eBook from TopRank Online Marketing

Make Things People Want & The Hollow Factory… from John V Willshire

Time management for marketers: Don't get whacked out poo brain from Ian Lurie

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