Colin Tury, designer artiste américain nous présente sa vision à travers un portfolio déroutant… Navigant avec finesse entre design et art, cette frontière souvent approchée semble de plus en plus flou lorsque l’on observe son travail.
Une formation transversale, CSS College for Creatives Studies à Détroit, design mobilier + design industriel il semble être aujourd’hui totalement libre de toutes contraintes créatives, fonctionnelles ou commerciales…

Les designers viennent se jouer de l’Art .. mais les artistes pourront-ils se jouer du Design ?

Colin Tury, sa bio :
« To me, craft is an important factor to our culture because it provides us a reminder that we are all still human and that we make things for a reason, not just to look at. Furniture specifically shares importance in that we are all unconsciously intimate with it throughout our day. Modern furniture has become a game of geometry in which designers compositionally arrange basic shapes and colors, and eliminate any feature beyond its basic function.
We have lost all sense of material in a sea of powder coated aluminum and veneered particleboard. I want to present material in furniture for its true nature, and highlight human error because it is a reminder that someone consciously created it. I strive to create conceptual meaning to all my pieces so that it can tell a story beyond its own physical existence. Materials play a big role in this because they have unique, yet specific, physical attributes that we can obey or abstract. A story can exist just in bringing two materials together in an interesting way.«
J’aime particulièrement cette vision : « We have lost all sense of material in a sea of powder coated aluminum and veneered particleboard. I want to present material in furniture for its true nature, and highlight human error because it is a reminder that someone consciously created it«

Un univers presque onirique, ces pièces semblent sortir d’un dessin animé ou compte, Colin Tury se joue des codes en se créant une identité propre.

Plus d’informations sur le designer, l’artiste : Colin Tury