I'm back in Paris after two extremely inspiring weekends participating in Lotta Agaton's styling class at Beckmans Akademi, Stockholm! Yesterday, we had the privilege of styling Therese Sennerholt's new collection of cards in the stunning Delight Studios. I'm not allowed to show you those photos before Wednesday, so meanwhile here are some still life photos that I created last week as a step in our training.

Ici j'avais envie de jouer avec des formes géométriques et des lettres...
Here I wanted to play around with geometric shapes and letters...

La photo des années 50 s'intitule "De passage", alors j'ai essayé de continuer sur ce thème et cette période...
The photo from the 50's is called "Passing through", so I tried to build further on that theme and time period...

Et pour celle-ci, des nuances subtiles de vert en partant de ce grand vase, un prototype de l'artiste du verre Erika Höglund. Le vase à droite vient de ma boutique en ligne.
And for this one subtle shades of green, starting with this large vase, a prototype by glass artist Erika Höglund. The vase to the right comes from my webshop.