As you probably may know, I've already tried this Casting Creme Gloss to dye my hair, I believe that the idea of using such a product with no ammonia is such a good thing, but with that decision comes the risk that the color does fade, and isn't always exactly what you expect. Specially if you're aiming on going lighter, it doesn't always work.
So last time i used the Dark blond one, and the result was pretty miserable it was more in the chocolate side with red undertones to it. Plus almost nobody noticed!
So here's the before Look :

But this time i went with a Blond! Instantly i noticed that there was some change, and i loved it really, it was a subtle look. It was as if i just got hit by the sun. :D

So without further a due, here's what it looks like, and this is after almost 5 weeks, which means at least 10 shampoos and the color is still standing and i'm loving each time even more.
And here's the After look:
1. In Natural light :

2. In a dark room:

I hope you enjoyed this post, and it helped you to figure out what color to choose, don't forget to leave me a comment telling me what you think of this hair color.