Magazine Beauté

Brand i ❤ : by zoe aw 2013-2014

Par Intoyourcloset @into_yourcloset

BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
Me voilà à la présentation Automne-Hiver 2013-2014 de la marqué By Zoé dans leur nouvelle boutique 3, rue Turbigo 75002 Paris.
Cette boutique à été conçue comme un appartement et le résultat est top!!
Tout est là table, chaise, fauteuil, étagères, livres, il ne manque que le lit!!
La collection de l'hiver prochain est super jolie.
D'inspiration américain en mode désert et Rock & Roll de quoi plaire aux parisian girls et aux autres.
J'ai craqué sur plusieurs pièces!! Celles qui me suivent sur Instagram le savent déjà ;-)
Here I am at the Fall-Winter 2013-2014 of By Zoe brand's presentation in their new store at the n° 3 of the Turbigo street 75002 Paris.
This shop was designed as an apartment and the result is awesome!!
Everything is there: table, chairs, shelves, books, the only thing missing is the bed!
The collection for next winter is great, American desert and Rock & Roll inspired, parisian girls and others are gonna love it.
I had a crush on several pieces!! Those who follow me on Instagram already know;-)
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
BRAND I ❤ : BY ZOE AW 2013-2014
Photos Marie Into Your Closet

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