
Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Publié le 09 mai 2013 par Frederic Canevet @conseilsmkg

Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes que nous vous sélectionnons chaque semaine… Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…

Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics from Jon Yongfook

Behavioral Storytelling: Social Content Strategy from Michael Leis

Exploring Instructional Uses of Multimedia from Lucy Gray

7 Simple Concepts to Be More Likeable from Dave Kerpen

Où télécharger des livres numériques gratuits from Michel Fauchié

GO BRAND YOURSELF. How to land a job with personal branding in 5 steps from Lorenzo Galbiati

The Plateau Effect: Why People Get Stuck…and How to Break Through from ThePlateauEffect

The UX of Minimum Viable Products from Anders Ramsay

Digital, Social & Luxury – HUB Institute – Emmanuel Vivier – HUBFORUM MOSCOW 2013 from HUB INSTITUTE

Blur Pma Chicago – Igniting Advocacy Through Social Media from Brandon Murphy

Digital, Social & Luxury – HUB Institute – Emmanuel Vivier – HUBFORUM MOSCOW 2013 from HUB INSTITUTE

The Friendship Model: How to build brand advocacy in a consumer-driven world. from Brandon Murphy

IA, UX and SEO from Ian Lurie

Baromètre de l'Experience Marchande Connectée 2013 from Digitas_fr

The idea hunter excerpts from Ricardo Sosa

Social Media Trends Changing Marketing Today from Kyle Lacy

How businesses make money: Business Models and the Art of Differentiation from Balaji Viswanathan

Establishing Your Brand and Maximizing ROI on Pinterest by PinLeague – Online Marketing Summit San Diego 2013 from Daniel Maloney

Microblogging:Telling a Story on a Dime, Ed Schipul to PRSA International Conference from Ed Schipul

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