Magazine Cinéma

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

Par Thequeenette @MyBigAppleCity

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

Lily Kwong

Oubliez les looks un peu fous! LaFashion Week de New Yorka également brillé par de réelles inspirations sur comment choisir son look façonworking girl. Les stylistes, les blogueuses, les rédactrices... Certains participants ont su s'habiller business tout en gardant style et élégance. Voici un premier jet de ma sélectionstreet style.

Forget the cray-cray looks!New York Fashion Weekhas also provided us with some serious inspiration about how to put yourself together and let yourinner working girl shine. Stylists, bloggers, editors... Some showgoers were dressed business appropriate while keeping their sense ofstyle and elegance. Here is a first shot of mystreet styleselection.

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

Elena Moussa

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

Tamara Kalinic

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

Liz Cherkasova

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

Fashion Editor Ylevol Tam Nguyen

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

New York Fashion Week: Working Girls

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