
Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Publié le 05 septembre 2013 par Frederic Canevet @conseilsmkg

Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes que nous vous sélectionnons chaque semaine… Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…

How to Build SEO into Content Strategy from Jonathon Colman @jcolman

Social Domination: How to Conquer 'The Big 3' Social Media Networks from HubSpot All-in-one Marketing Software

Image powered social web from Paul Gilbert

Facilitating Effective Meetings from Malena Luongo

20 things v2 from Benjamin Ling

Next Generation Media Quarterly July 2013 from Dan Calladine

The Why, How and What of Measuring Content from Lars von Sneidern

Creativity and Money: Creative Mornings – Geneva from Bill Carney

Christopher Schmitt, "Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design" from WebVisions

The Future of Video 2013 from Paul Chappell

Sales strategy workshop 2013 slideshare from Sales Cubes, TiasNimbas Business School

The facebook ads benchmark report by Salesforce from Vincent Tessier

Your Content Shall Rock from Barry Feldman

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Investor Pitches That Win – Sol Marketing, Austin, TX from Deb Gabor

Networking Tips for Introverts (and Shy Folks): Visual Sketchnotes from MarketingProfs

Best of the Tour de France 2013 (stages 9 – 21 final stage Versailles – Paris, Champs -Élysées) from guimera

Writing effective content from Harshal Patil

Secrets of Successful Inbound Marketing from HubSpot All-in-one Marketing Software

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Frederic Canevet 36319 partages Voir son profil
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