
Indira gandhi.

Publié le 26 avril 2008 par Rohit

Gandhi was born November 19, 1917, in Allahabad, India, to Jawaharlal and Kamala Nehru. Her life was drastically changed in 1919 when her wealthy and prominent family was visited by Mohandas Gandhi, the pacifist leader of the Indian freedom movement. Recently returned from exile in South Africa, he converted her parents to the cause of Indian independence Constant meetings and the frequent absence of Gandhi's parents deprived her of a normal childhood. Though she was spoiled by her grandfather Motilal, Gandhi later recalled she felt "insecure." She was four years old when her father and grandfather were first jailed for their activities, then the jailings, which also included her mother, became frequent.
Because of the insecurities of her childhood Gandhi hardened herself and resolved not to be hurt, as her mother had been, She grew up as a solemn, precocious child whose games were related to the fight against Britain. For example, at age 11 she organized the Monkey Brigade. Imitating the Monkey army in the epic Indian story Ramayana, While she was in school in Poona in the 1930s She once commented that Gandhi "was always present in my life; he played an enormous.

Indira Priyadarshini, was born on November 19,1917 to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and his young wife Kamala nehru. She was their only child. The Nehru family can trace their ancestry to the Brahmins of Jammu and Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir and Delhi. Indira's grandfather Motilal Nehru was a wealthy barrister of Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. Nehru was one of the most prominent members of the Indian National congress in pre-Gandhi times and would go on to author the Nehru report, the people's choice for a future Indian system of government as opposed to the British system. Her father Jawaharlal Nehru was a well-educated lawyer and was a popular leader of the Indian Independence Movement India. At the time of Indira's birth, Nehru entered the independence movement under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.

Growing up in the sole care of her mother, who was sick and alienated from the Nehru household, Indira developed strong protective instincts and a loner personality. Her grandfather and father continually being enmeshed in national politics also made mixing with her peers difficult. She had conflicts with her father's sisters, including VIJAYALAKSHMI PANDIT, and these continued into the political world.

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