Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes que nous vous sélectionnons chaque semaine… Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…
Get Your Emails Opened With These Insider Tips from Mandy O'Neill
Discounting makes you work twice as hard. Here’s why. from Price Intelligently
10 Tips to Gain Customers Faster with Marketing Automation and SugarCRM from Marketo
Lean UX + UX Strat, from UX Strat conference, September 2013 from Joshua Seiden
Content Against Cancer – CSForum13 Helsinki from Ida Aalen
What if we could start over again? What startups have to teach big business from coryannj
Bibliothèques et biens communs ; bibliothèques comme biens communs from Calimaq S.I.Lex
Breaking: How Native Advertising Makes Headlines from Hawk Thompson
Sketching & Prototyping from Marius Ursache
The Sharing Economy from Loic Le Meur
The Peter Principle Revisited: What it means to you and me from Thain Lin Tay
Measuring the ROI of Social Media from Social@Ogilvy
How to Integrate Search, Social Media & Content Marketing – Like A Rock Star from TopRank® Online Marketing
The Incite Summit eBook – 15 Marketing Lessons From The Biggest Brands In the World from Rohit Bhargava