Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes que nous vous sélectionnons chaque semaine… Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…
The Art & Science of Building a Great Community from Jennifer Lopez
The Network Always Wins SAS Forum 2013 from Peter Hinssen
Content Marketing (As Explained by Mark Twain) from Ninja Marketing
B2C Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America from MarketingProfs
50 great reasons why brands should use branded entertainment to engage their consumers / fans through social media by jeremy dumont from jérémy DUMONT
B2C Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America from MarketingProfs
WTF Is Big Data Anyway by Marty Weintraub from Search Marketing Expo – SMX
Content marketing in the age of crap from Deeply Digital
How the Sharing Economy Creates Travel Industry Opportunities from Cedric Giorgi
Kanban pour la préparation scrum pour la réalisation – Agile Tour Paris 2011 from Agile Tour
Craig Bradford_SearchLove London 2013 from Distilled
PSFK presents the Future Of Cities from PSFK
131004 m2020 ana total presentation final as presented by msa from EffectiveBrands
Gamification – Designing for Engagement from Gabe Zichermann