Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes que nous vous sélectionnons chaque semaine… Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…
Manufacturing a sense of urgency from Michael Goldstein
20 Examples – How to Kickstart Your Co-creation Platform from Innovation Excellence
Tips for Better Life * from Kannan Sundar
Writing for the Web, It's Not the Same! from Charles Crouch
10 Companies Back from the Dead from Firmex
Transmedia Storytelling for Filmmakers (2.0) from Robert Pratten
Invest and Win with Digital Content from Simon Penson
The NEW Web Typography: Where the Sexy Is from Jason CranfordTeague
How to Generate 30 Leads in 30 Days Using LinkedIn from Stephen Jones
Crowdsourcing & Citizen Science from Lora Aroyo