Sometimes things don't turn out exactly the way they were meant too... Like last week, when I took a couple of days off to go cross country skiing with my son in the Vosges area in northeast France. I hadn't exactly planned to break my wrist and end the week in an OR. Now I have a metal rod and three nails in my wrist... Luckily it's the left hand which means I can still handle a mouse, although typing with only one hand takes a looong time :-/

J'ai encore des photos de mon voyage à Stockholm à vous montrer, mais en attendant, voici des images du dernier projet de Oscar Properties. Cette fois-ci il s'agit d'une ancienne usine de chocolat en plein centre de Stockholm qui sera transformée en appartements fabuleux. Voilà, rêvons un peu pour bien commencer le weekend!
I still have photos from my Stockholm trip to show you, but meanwhile here are some pictures from Oscar Properties' latest project. This time it's an old chocolate factory in the city centre of Stockholm that will be converted into fabulous apartments. Let's start the weekend with some dreaming!