Lorsque Jealous body m'a proposé d'essayer cette exfoliant coffee + Coconut Scub*, je n'ai pas hésité une seconde lorsque j'ai vu les ingrédients!
Voici la liste d'ingrédients : Coffea canephora (robusta coffee) beans : Cocos nucifera (coconut oil), sucrose (raw brown sugar), Sodium chloride (sea salt), Tocopherol acetate (vitamine E).
Je vous laisse lire la description seule, car ça vaut la peine!
English translationI am really out of control...This exfoliant is not just an exfoliant, it is a incomparable sensorial experience. You have to understand that I am a huge coffee addict, I love to drink it and I love to smell it...There is never a bad time to get a coffee, I can't resist.
When Jealous Body offered me to try this exfoliant Coffee + Coconut Scrub* and after seeing the ingredients, I did not hesitate for a second ! 17.95$ / 200gr US + Canada Free Shipping
Here is the ingredient list: Coffea canephora (robusta coffee) beans : Cocos nucifera (coconut oil), sucrose (raw brown sugar), Sodium chloride (sea salt), Tocopherol acetate (vitamine E).
I let you read the description by yourself, because it is worth it !

Mon expérience J'ai littéralement "trippé" dans la douche. L'odeur est juste DINGUE. Café, sucre et sel ensemble est un mélange délicieux et comme il est inscrit sur le sac, il est dur de résister pour ne pas en manger. Pour l'instant pas d'impact sur la baignoire, elle est resté blanche. Bonne nouvelle :)
My experience
I literally flipped out in the shower. The smell is just CRAZY. Coffee, sugar and salt altogether is a delicious mixture and as it is mentioned on the bag, it is hard not to eat any. For now, no consequences for the bathtub, it stayed white. Good news :)

Avez-vous déjà essayé un exfoliant qui contient du café ? Si oui, lequel ?
Have you ever tried any coffee-based exfoliant ? If yes, which one ?
*PR sample