Magazine Insolite

USA : Walter Scott : huit balles dans le dos - Vidéo

Publié le 08 avril 2015 par Didier Vincent

“Sans la vidéo, le policier serait libre”.

Un policier blanc - Michael Slager- a été arrêté et inculpé de meurtre mardi à North Charleston, en Caroline du Sud (sud-est des Etats Unis), après avoir tiré plusieurs fois sur un homme noir non armé qui fuyait.

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États-Unis : nouvel acte raciste de la police

Le Point - Publié le Un policier blanc a été arrêté et inculpé de meurtre mardi à North Charleston, en Caroline du Sud (sud-est des États-Unis), après avoir tiré plusieurs fois sur un hom...

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South Carolina Officer Is Charged With Murder in Black Man's Death

WASHINGTON - A white police officer has been charged with murder, the mayor of North Charleston, S.C., said Tuesday, after a video surfaced showing him shooting and killing an apparently unarmed ...

From NYTimes article:

Police reports say that officers performed CPR and delivered first aid to Mr. Scott. The video shows that for several minutes after the shooting, Mr. Scott remained face down with his hands cuffed behind his back. A second officer arrives, puts on blue medical gloves and attends to Mr. Scott, but is not shown performing CPR. As sirens wail in the background, a third officer later arrives, apparently with a medical kit, but is also not seen performing CPR.

Can we just stop and reflect for a moment on how police routinely just straight up fucking lie on police reports. That's not a mistake, an omission, an inaccuracy, it's a lie.

Source : Reddit

Tag(s) : #Actu.

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USA : Walter Scott : huit balles dans le dos - Vidéo

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