Magazine Santé

ResearchKit becomes a population health tool

Publié le 29 juin 2015 par Apoignant
ResearchKit becomes a population health toolResearchKit becomes a population health tool

Apple's ResearchKit app will be put to the test in a landmark population health study aimed at identifying and treating health issues facing the LGBT community. Researchers at the University of California at San Francisco recently announced that they would use the clinical research platform to collect data on health issues faced by gays, lesbians and transgenders, including HIV/AIDS, cancer, obesity, substance abuse and behavioral health problems like depression.The Population Research in Identity and Disparities for Equality (PRIDE) Study is the latest in a series of clinical studies launched in the wake of ResearchKit's rollout earlier this year. Others focus on breast cancer, asthma, Parkinson's disease, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Officials say this is the first ResearchKit study to focus on a population, rather than a specific health issue.

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