Magazine Beaux Arts

Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found

Publié le 12 novembre 2015 par Paristonkar @ParisTonkar


Pour la troisième année consécutive, le festival Mister Freeze a réuni à Toulouse une trentaine d’artistes internationaux issus du graffiti. Organisée par l’association Faute O Graff, l’exposition s’est déroulée cette année dans l’espace Cobalt, un ancien bâtiment industriel de près de 2500m2. Pendant une semaine, le public pouvait y suivre l’évolution d’artistes confirmés et découvrir de nombreux talents émergents. Graffiti, Post-Graffiti, illustration, muralisme, installation, travail d’atelier…
Les différents visages de l’art urbain d’aujourd’hui étaient présentés en deux parties : Lost and Found.
Une première partie, « Found », sous la forme d’une exposition mêlant fresques monumentales et accrochage classique suivie d’une seconde partie, « Lost », comme une incursion dans une friche investie par les artistes.
Au fil d’un parcours intuitif, le public a ainsi pu découvrir la richesse d’un mouvement en constante évolution, à l’image de ce festival désormais incontournable dont la prochaine édition aura lieu à la fin de l’été prochain.

Artistes participants :
Alëxone, Hendrik « ECB » Beikirch, Cali, CeeT, Dems, Der, Eack, Gorg, Grems, Gris1, Ilk, Mlle Kat, Katre, Benjamin Laading, Legz, Lenz, Silvio Magaglio, Maye, David Mesguich, Momies, Mondé, Poes, Sebastien Preschoux, Reso, Sherio, Sozy, Taroe, Wow123, Zest.

Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found
Mister Freeze 2015 – Lost and Found

For the third year in a row, the Mister Freeze exhibition gathered over thirty international street artists in Toulouse. The exhibition was organised by the association Faute O Graff and took place in the Cobalt showroom, a former industrial building of more than 26000 square feet. During one week, people could follow the evolution of experienced artists and discover many new talents. Graffiti, Post-Graffiti, illustration, muralism, set-ups, workshop art…
The diversity of current street art was shown in two parts : Lost and Found.
The first part, « Found », was an exhibition mixing gigantic frescoes and classical displays, followed by a second part, « Lost », which ventured into an artist-invaded wasteland.
Over an intuitive journey, the audience was able to discover the cultural wealth of a movement in constant evolution, just like this must-see festival, the next edition of which will take place in the summer 2016.

Participants artists :
Alëxone, Hendrik « ECB » Beikirch, Cali, CeeT, Dems, Der, Eack, Gorg, Grems, Gris1, Ilk, Mlle Kat, Katre, Benjamin Laading, Legz, Lenz, Silvio Magaglio, Maye, David Mesguich, Momies, Mondé, Poes, Sebastien Preschoux, Reso, Sherio, Sozy, Taroe, Wow123, Zest.


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