Magazine Humanitaire

Jérusalem : formation aux « gestes qui sauvent » pour les gardiens de la Mosquée Al-Aqsa, à quelques jours du Ramadan

Publié le 30 mai 2016 par Frédéric Joli

Jérusalem : formation aux « gestes qui sauvent » pour les gardiens de la Mosquée Al-Aqsa, à quelques jours du Ramadan

At the heart of the old city of Jerusalem, the glittering Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa mosque rest on the Haram al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary)/Temple Mount. The sacred site, the third holiest shrine in Islam, is where the Prophet Muhammed is believed to have ascended to heaven. The Temple Mount is considered the holiest site for Jews and has been the scene of tension in recent years. Every year, more than one million people visit this World Heritage Site, an area that comprises nearly one sixth of the walled city of Jerusalem. During the holy month of Ramadan, the numbers of visitors increase significantly. Due to the escalation of violence in recent months and the rise in temperatures expected as Ramadan begins on 6 June, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) organized First Aid trainings for 25 male and 20 female guards in Al-Aqsa Compound.  During the five-day training, guards learnt specific skills and behaviours that First Aiders should have to act safely and effectively when caring for people caught in situations of violence or natural disasters or suffering from heat strokes.  “During the Ramadan, more than 250,000 people are expected to visit this place every Friday, and it is important that the guards know how to assist the people in case of a medical emergency,” said Dr. Amin Abu Ghazaleh, who has worked for the PRCS for 25 years.  Lamya Abu Rmeileh joined the Al-Aqsa guards 16 years ago, and has been following the training with great attention.  “If I have to face a situation in which I must act as a First Aider, I will implement what I learnt without hesitation, whether it would be with my kids at home, my neighbours or people at Al-Aqsa Mosque, and in case of any other incident,” she said.  The Jordanian Kingdom, custodian of Al-Aqsa Compound, allowed the ICRC to organise the training in Jerusalem's most recognizable landmark. According to Sheikh Azam AlKhatib, General Director o

Le CICR avec la coopération du Croissant-Rouge palestinien a organisé une formation en secourisme pour les gardiens de la Mosquée Al-Aqsa à Jérusalem, le troisième lieu saint de l’Islam.

Au total 45 hommes et femmes ont durant 5 jours appris « les gestes qui sauvent » qui, s’ils sont bien pratiqués, permettent dans 90% des urgences médicales de sauver des vies.

La Mosquée Al-Aqsa recevra chaque vendredi du mois du Ramadan – qui s’ouvre dans quelques jours – plus de 250 000 personnes.

A lire sur le site du CICR.

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