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Matthias Dandois enjoyed his time in South-West of France

Publié le 19 août 2016 par Label Park @LabelparkFR
The brand new World Champion of Flatland BMX, Matthias Dandois, had a well deserved trip back to Hossegor after his win, to rest and see some good friends. It was the occasion for him to visit XTreme Video to get and test some new products. He told us all about it:

Matthias Dandois: "The Flatland BMX 2016 was the most physically demanding event for me since I started BMX. Between competitions there was also photo shoots, videos, and demos. So I really had no time to stop or even feel bored.

After winning the World Championship in July, I took a short break and went back to Hossegor to see the guys and get some rest. However no question of taking it easy, I visited the office of XTreme Video in Biarritz to check out the new Skullcandy, XSories, Pax and Incase products and enjoyed the beautiful late afternoon lights to make some pictures and videos.

I leave you with these few pictures of " my holidays " Kisses."

Unfortunately, Matthias could not stay longer because he had to hit the road for the O'Marisquino contest in Vigo (Spain), that happened last weekend. He finished fourth. Alex Jumelin, another French competitor, who also joined him at his little stay in Hossegor, won the event. Congrats to him !

Since Matthias behaved so well, he had a chance to open all his Christmas presents 5 months before the rest of the world. Santa Claus from XTreme Video presented him with the gifts he posted below:

Matthias Dandois enjoyed his time in South-West of France

Our French world champion was happy to test some of our products (available on our marketplace) even one of our bestsellers, the vaporizer Pax 2 (find here our article on this goodie). Matthias also left our office with Skullcandy headphones to listen to music during his rides.

We all know that he likes to capture lots of pictures and videos to share them on his YouTube channel and Facebook page, so we offered him some XSories accessories and a Z-Cam (4K) for even more beautiful images.

Lastly, we like to take good care of our champions. That is why we offered him EQ sunscreens to protect him from sun exposure. Now he can ride as long as he wants.

Matthias Dandois enjoyed his time in South-West of France
Photo: Vincent Perraud

Above, Matthias Dandois doing his magic with a beautiful sunset and the Skullcandy Grind headphone.

Check out his last edit with a few images from his stay in South-West of France shot with the Z-Cam (4K) and XSories accessories:

Matthias Dandois enjoyed his time in South-West of France

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