Some of the Milan players have taken to the Social Media to express their delight after the away win in Austria.
Un bel modo di celebrare e festeggiare, con i tifosi, il ritorno in Europa del Milan… Raggiungeremo i nostri obiettivi se continueremo ad approcciarci in questa maniera alle partite, trasformando la rabbia e la delusione in energia da buttare sul campo, su ogni pallone. Questa è la strada per crescere e diventare squadra. Adesso sta a noi continuare e guardare avanti! // What a great way to celebrate AC Milan coming back to Europe with our fans… If we’ll keep having this approach, turning anger and disappointment into energy to be spent on the field, in every play, we will achieve our goals. This is the right path for us to grow and be a better team. It is up to us to keep going like this in the future. #LB19 #WeAreATeam #HungrierThanEver #UEL
A post shared by Leonardo Bonucci (@bonuccileo19) on Sep 14, 2017 at 12:52pm PDT
Even the fans’ favorite, Kaka shared his joy on Instagram.
In Italia Milan, in Europa Milan, Ovunque Milan, per sempre rossoner #weareacmilan
A post shared by Kaká (@kaka) on Sep 14, 2017 at 11:56am PDT
Ottimo inizio in Europa.. ora testa a domenica! #avanti⚫️ @uefaeuropaleague @acmilan
A post shared by @alessioromagnoli46 on Sep 14, 2017 at 12:36pm PDT
Forzaaaaaa Milan!!! ⚫ Perfect team reaction – fantastic 5:1 victory in Vienna ⚽ #HC10 #HereToCreate #UEL @ACMilan
A post shared by Hakan Çalhanoglu ⚽️ (@hakancalhanoglu) on Sep 14, 2017 at 12:48pm PDT
Great victory tonight! Milano siamo noi! ⚽ #UEL
A post shared by André Silva (@andresilva9) on Sep 14, 2017 at 1:33pm PDT
Prima vittoria in @uefaeuropaleague! Grandi! / Première victorie en @uefaeuropaleague! Super! @acmilan ⚫️ #AUSACM #ForzaMilan
A post shared by Kessie Yannick Franck (@kessiefranck) on Sep 14, 2017 at 12:37pm PDT
Dopo Roma contava reagire e vincere. L’abbiamo fatto. Adesso testa all’Udinese. Avanti Milan! Suso # Después de Roma necesitábamos una reacción. Hoy lo hicimos ahora a continuar. # After the game in Rome we had to have a reaction. We’ve done it.. now let’s keep the work
A post shared by Suso (@suso) on Sep 14, 2017 at 12:41pm PDT
Complimenti ragazzi! Avanti! #UEL @acmilan ⚫
A post shared by Riccardo Montolivo (@montolivo) on Sep 14, 2017 at 12:45pm PDT
Un buon esordio in Europa League direi…⚫️ @acmilan @uefaeuropaleague
A post shared by Luca Antonelli (@lucaantonelli) on Sep 14, 2017 at 12:45pm PDT
Grande reazione e fantastica vittoria di squadra ⚽#UEL #weareateam #forzamilan
A post shared by Gianluigi Donnarumma (@gigiodonna99) on Sep 14, 2017 at 1:02pm PDT
Era fondamentale ripartire e iniziare nel migliore dei modi la #UEL ! Grandi! #conilmilannelcuore @acmilan ⚫️
A post shared by Ignazio Abate (@ignaskip) on Sep 14, 2017 at 1:16pm PDT