Magazine Sport

Shopping de Noël #16: Costa Fantail

Publié le 16 décembre 2017 par Ziril

Ok, on est tous au jus, les COstas we all know, Costadelmar sunglasses are among the best ones you can buy for fishing, we've all noticed the guides are wearing them on the flats, we are wearing them on the flats, they appear to be #1 for the salt water fly fishing. But let me tell you something, I love my Costas for freshwater fishing too! My FanTail are just the bomb, they look so cool with that camo paint and that dayglo " C "! They give you a look that tells everyone you're not here not play around, you're here to fish! And the glass, that's what makes it all. I chose the plastic Copper because they are light and you can really see well under cloudy skies and even bright country ones. So do like us, get them! And if it shows they don't come in Copper, ask your dealer he will have them for sure! A gift like that for around 200$, is a good deal!

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