Magazine Côté Femmes

What is posthumanism?

Publié le 23 février 2018 par Christianpoulot @lemodalogue

Below: Matthew Barney, Cremaster 4, 1994
According to Wolfe, comprehending a " new reality " in which human beings occupy a universe " populated by... nonhuman subjects " requires a posthumanism which entails " an increase in the vigilance, responsibility, and humility that accompany living in a world so newly, and differently, inhabited " . What is Posthumanism? does not present the reader with a definitive answer to the question posed by its title - this would hardly be possible at this juncture. It does, however, offer an embodiment of Wolfe's vision played out in a wide array of cultural, institutional, and artistic sites of inquiry, with each chapter functioning as a stimulating theoretical probe contributing to the emergence of a new paradigm of research and knowledge.


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