Magazine Insolite

Une coquille pour la petite pieuvre

Publié le 26 avril 2019 par Didier Vincent

Des plongeurs vont aider cette petite pieuvre à trouver un habitat plus naturel et plaisant et qui la protègera sans doute mieux des prédateurs que ce verre en plastique.

The octopus does indeed look attached to it, but it is providing it with false security.

If an eel or a flounder passes by, it will retreat into the cup. The predator will however most likely swallow the octopus whole along with the soft plastic cup. Now you have a flounder, which may become sick from trying to digest a plastic cup. It could get swallowed in turn by a shark, and thus a cycle of death might in theory continue until a tuna ends up on a sushi chef's table.

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