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sea song

Publié le 27 janvier 2020 par Pjjp44
sea song
De chez soi
on imagine le monde.
Du monde
on se fait un chez soi.

La vie, comme une ébauche.

sea song
 Il aura fallu réveiller quelques albums photos.
 En 1925
l'océan derrière
et la vie devant soi.
un peu
sea song

"La ville est cernée par un ciel bas.
Nos têtes-brumes forment un ruisseau
— je le vois du haut de l’étage de cet immeuble
qui en serait le moulin —
Il serpente, vire et tourne à la recherche de son estuaire.
Aveugle de sa source,
il mourra de la houle qui nous chavire tous."

Christophe Sanchez "Fut-il"
sea song

   Afin de se repérer
dans le monde mouvant
               qui nous entoure,
il faut parfois se battre
 avec ses ptits points
sea song

quand reviendras-tu? 

"You look different every time
you come from the foam crested brine,
it's your skin shining softly in the moonlight.
Partly fish, partly porpoise,
partly baby sperm whale.
Am I yours, are you mine to play with?
Joking apart,
when you're drunk you're terrific,
when you're drunk I like you mostly
late at night, you're quite alright.
But I can't understand the different you
in the morning when it's time to play
at being human for a while.
Please smile.
You'll be different in the spring,
I know you're a seasonal beast,
like the starfish that drift in
with the tide, with the tide.
So until your blood runs
to meet the next full moon,
Your madness fits in nicely
with my own, with my own.
Your lunacy fits neatly with my own,
my very own."
Robert Wyatt
sea song

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