Busua - A relaxing seed and shell finger - un relaxe doigt graines et coquillage

By the Singing Beadspar le chant des perles
From Ghana, Du Ghana,
Mini chronicle of daily life. Snapshots of life
Petite chronique de la vie quotidienne. Des instantanés de vie.Between Busua Inn and Ezile Bay.
Entre Busua Inn et Ezile Bay.A natural relaxing seed and shell finger. To be more serious, pilate phalanxes with cymbium cucumis and coral seeds of adenathera pavovina.

Visitez notre petit hôtel au #Ghana sur la plage de Busua: Busua Inn (fr)Visitez notre écolodge tropical en bord de mer dans la baie d'Ezile: Ezile bay (fr)Visit our guesthouse in Ghana on the Busua Beach: Busua Inn (en)Visit our tropical ecolodge on the lovely Bay of Ezile: Ezile bay (en)Follow us, oninstagram Busua Inn Ezile Bay, insta The Singing Beads, twitter, pinterest, fb Ezile Bay, fb Busua Inn. fb The Singing Beads