Magazine Conso

Ashi Studio Couture Fall Winter 2021 Collection

Publié le 23 août 2021 par Pascal Iakovou @luxsure
THE MYTH REBORN. In the midnight hour, two glowing eyes appear. It is she: the obsidian panther, herald of death, and rebirth. It is time. Time to end this journey of pain and suffering. Time for you to reclaim your strength. Time find your muse. What is a muse to a couturier?

Throughout the history of our métier, she is these women of legend, the ones whose names become woven into the very fabric of a house.

In our work, finding her is a process. With the clarify afforded by the echo-chamber emptiness of the moment, our gaze turned inwards - to the history of couture, to our own history - looking for the source of in- spiration. To the idea of a muse.

So what is a muse exactly?

To a couturier, she is not just an aesthetic companion, but a fully in-carnated person, someone with whom dialog sparks and continues, season after season, spilling over gowns and sketches.

When comes the collection, the muse becomes both inspiration and a mirror. Beyond fashion, the process becomes a human experience. It is us and her, and intimate.

Fittings become conversations. There is something different in the air. She moves in a specific way. Worn by the muse, our creations come alive. Every movement of her hand becomes commentary. A turn of the head, a refinement. Each angle, a new facet of the design we have imagined.

And for the muse herself, becoming part of the creation is a way to respond in kind: "I see you."

To us, she is Georgina Grenville, muse of Ashi.

Muse: Georgina Grenville

Directors: Luigi and Iango

Creative Director: Michael Philouze

Stylist: Sarajane Hoare

Creative Associate: Gaultier Desandre Navarre

Make-up: LLoyd Simmonds

Hair: Seb Bascle, hair assistant: Celine de Cruz

Manucurist : Typhaine Kersual

Production : Margaux Huguet assisted by Arthur Braillon and Theodore Deshayes

For video DOP: Arnaud Carney

Face mask created by Philip Treacy

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