Le rapport d’étude de marché, intitulé Aircraft Interior Plastics, montre de bonnes possibilités sur le marché des Aircraft Interior Plastics au cours des cinq prochaines années et garantit davantage d’informations sur les tendances du marché. Le résumé suivant donnera un aperçu des moteurs, des défis et des principaux acteurs du marché.
Prévisions du marché mondial des plastiques d’intérieur d’avion :
Le marché mondial des Plastiques d’intérieur d’avion devrait croître à un taux de 4,4% CAGR au cours de la période 2021-2026. Le marché des plastiques d’intérieur d’avion connaîtra une escalade de la demande attribuée à l’utilisation croissante des plastiques d’intérieur d’avion sur le marché. La croissance du marché XYZ dépend de nombreux facteurs qui ont un impact direct ou indirect sur la demande. Notre rapport contient le résumé de ces facteurs dérivés de l’analyse SWOT, PEST, du cycle de vie de l’industrie et de la chaîne d’approvisionnement. Ces méthodes aident à analyser la force des entreprises et à identifier les lacunes ainsi que les opportunités pour établir une feuille de route réussie qui conduit à une rentabilité plus élevée.
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Certains piliers du marché sont
BAE Systems Plc., Cobham Plc., Honeywell International Inc., Microsemi Corporation et Texas Instruments
Segmentation du marché des plastiques d’intérieur d’avion :
Les segments de rapport basés sur la démographie, la géographie, les avantages et le volume, etc., ont différents facteurs déterminants et identifient les segments et sous-segments les plus attrayants. La segmentation du marché des plastiques d’intérieur d’avion aidera non seulement les spécialistes du marketing à être plus efficaces en termes de temps, d’argent et d’autres ressources, mais permettra également aux entreprises d’en savoir plus sur leur public cible afin qu’elles puissent adapter leurs campagnes et augmenter leur part de marché et leurs revenus.
Safran SA
Groupe Triomphe
Société Jamco
Groupe Diehl
Collins Aérospatiale
La société Gill
Encore Aerospace LLC
AIM Altitude.
Growth drivers and Market Value:
This report, from Stratview Research, studies the Aircraft Interior Plastics Market value and growth drivers over the trend period of 2020-25. According to the report –
The aircraft interior plastics market was estimated is likely to witness a colossal decline in 2020 to set foot below the level of 2014 in 2020. Previous pandemic/recessions, such as SARS (2003), The Great Recession (2008), and MERS (2015), have led to a strong decline in the aviation industry followed by a quick recovery, forming a V-shape recovery. Considering the same, the COVID-19 is also likely to depict a V-shape recovery; however, the decline would be extremely deeper than any other previous downturns. Stratview Research’s estimates advocate the aircraft interior plastics market to reach US$ 3.2 billion in 2025.
Segment Analysis:
Based on Material Type:
The market is firstly segmented based on the material type as epoxy plastics, phenolic plastics, PPS plastics, PEI plastics, PASU plastics, PA plastics, PC plastics, and other plastics. Epoxy and phenolic plastics are the top two materials in the market with their widescale usage in sandwich panels. PASU family also holds significant share among thermoplastics, driven by its usage in interior decorative parts. High-performance thermoplastics, such as PEI and PPS, have also notable share in cabin interiors.
Based on Region:
In terms of region, North America is projected to remain the largest region for aircraft interior plastics during the forecast period. However, its commercial aircraft segment has been experiencing various challenges, mainly due to the grounding of B737 Max severely affecting both linefit as well as retrofit demand. Airlines, particularly with the huge B737 Max fleet, are reluctant to take their other aircraft out for service and are deliberately delaying their interior retrofit programs. These factors have led Europe to surpass North America in the commercial aircraft segment. The resumption in the production of B737 Max coupled with large aircraft fleet size for all commercial and regional aircraft as well as general aviation is likely to maintain North American’s overall lead in the market.
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COVID-19 IMPACT Analysis on Aircraft Interior PlasticsMarket
Coronavirus has influenced every one of the organizations, little or large, dealing in any sector. The growth curves of XYZ market have seen immense fluctuations in the year 2021. The market scenario and the pace of growth have taken a colossal turn and have prompted numerous adjustments in the cycles, which will have repercussions for a significant stretch. 2021 is probably going to be superior to 2021 for the XYZ market players as the greater part of the organizations have continued their activities and the interest is getting reestablished for them.
Note: This report will be refreshed to consolidate the effect of COVID-19, available for the time of 2021 to 2026.
Regional Analysis
The assessment of the pandemic reveals an enormous transformation in both short, as well as long-term regional business. With some barriers along the road, the Aircraft Interior Plasticsmarket stakeholders hope to regain stability in 2021, with flourishing demand and a hassle-free market environment. In terms of region, North America and Russia held the major chunk of the market in and before 2021. Despite several setbacks and the pandemic’s impact, the regions having the presence of key players, are likely to maintain their dominance in the upcoming years. According to the report, North America. region is expected to handle the crisis most efficiently, growing at the highest rate during the five-year tenure and is expected to become the next potential manufacturing hub.
For inquiries, Contact:
Ritesh Gandecha
Stratview Research
Courriel : [email protected]
Direct : +1-313-307-4176
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Stratview Research est une société mondiale d’intelligence de marché qui aide ses clients à identifier les scénarios de marché en constante évolution grâce à des rapports personnalisés et syndiqués. Les rapports proposés ici sont rassemblés à l’aide de nos sources secondaires larges et fiables et d’entretiens approfondis avec les piliers du marché. Extrapolés à partir de recherches primaires et secondaires, les rapports de Stratview Research vous aident à garder une longueur d’avance en vous permettant de comprendre les tendances actuelles du marché et les défis qui se présentent à vous. Notre solide équipe de vétérans et de chercheurs de l’industrie assure une recherche de haute qualité et des informations stratégiques qui aident les entreprises du monde entier à prendre des décisions efficaces