Magazine Société

Airbus and OneWeb étendent leur coopération pour connecter les forces européennes de défense et de sécurité

Publié le 14 décembre 2021 par Toulouseweb

@AirbusDefence @AirbusSpace @Oneweb

Paris, le 14 décembre 2021 –
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus et Oneweb ont signé un accord de partenariat pour la distribution des services de communication par satellites en orbite basse pour des usages militaires et gouvernementaux. En tant que principal fournisseur de services de communication militaire par satellites en Europe,
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus pourra ainsi proposer à partir de fin 2021 une nouvelle offre de communication basée sur la constellation Oneweb à des forces armées européennes ainsi qu’à des forces de sécurité et de protection civile.

« Avec cette nouvelle offre basée sur la constellation OneWeb et la technologie
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus, nous pouvons offrir à nos clients militaires une réelle flexibilité pour leurs futurs réseaux intégrés et cloud de combat, et ainsi disposer d’une supériorité de l’information. Nous serons le tout premier fournisseur à proposer ce type de service aux forces européennes » a déclaré Evert Dudok, Executive Vice President de Connected Intelligence chez
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus Defence and Space.

Neil Masterson, PDG de OneWeb, a ajouté : « Nous sommes ravis d’étendre notre coopération avec
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus pour répondre aux besoins de connectivité des forces européennes de défense et de sécurité sur terre, en mer et dans les airs. Notre réseau permettra de fournir des communications sécurisées, résilientes et en temps réel pour les organisations gouvernementales militaires et civiles, en commençant par l’Arctique puis en s’étendant aux besoins de mobilité mondiale. »

Dans le cadre de ce partenariat,
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus et Oneweb prévoient de développer une offre complète de services sécurisés dédiés aux besoins spécifiques des forces armées pour l’ensemble de leurs opérations terrestres, maritimes et aériennes.

Les constellations en orbite basse (LEO) permettent notamment le développement d’une nouvelle génération de terminaux et d’antennes de taille, poids et puissance réduite. Cette constellation permettra également d’offrir des communications spatiales en temps réel très utile pour transmettre en direct des flux vidéo issus de capteurs comme ceux embarqués sur des drones.

Ces nouveaux services de communication par satellites offriront des communications à haut débit, tout IP (Internet Protocol), permettant de prioriser les flux de communication et d’assurer un très haut niveau de disponibilité. Les utilisateurs pourront compléter les services et réseaux existants en ayant la possibilité de passer de communications par satellites en orbite basse (LEO) à des satellites en orbite géostationnaire (GEO) de façon flexible et interopérable.

Cela permettra notamment de connecter des véhicules, des navires en mer et des avions en vol, et ainsi de connecter les futures applications de type cloud multi-domaines et d’accéder à une supériorité de l’information.

Conçus par
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus, les satellites Oneweb sont actuellement produits sur le site d’
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership

Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus OneWeb Satellites en Floride, aux États-Unis. Après une première mise en service sur la zone arctique entre le pôle nord et le 50ième parallèle, OneWeb prévoit que son offre soit disponible avec une couverture globale de la Terre d’ici fin 2022 avec une constellation de 648 satellites en orbite basse.

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