STELIA Aerospace a développé une version hautement customisée de son fauteuil Classe Affaires Premium EQUINOX® pour l’A321neo de China Airlines (CAL), dont le premier exemplaire doit entrer en service prochainement. Grâce aux plus hauts standards qu’offre ce fauteuil et à des fonctions exclusivement développées par STELIA Aerospace et China Airlines pour satisfaire aux exigences très rigoureuses de la compagnie, les passagers pourront bénéficier d’un lit « full-flat » sur monocouloir.
Le fauteuil comprend de nombreuses caractéristiques innovantes, spécialement conçues pour China Airlines, dont :
- Un lit spacieux, inclinable à 180 degrés, d’une largeur de 22,5 pouces (57 cm) ;
- Des séparations rétractables et télescopiques entre les fauteuils, pour une plus grande intimité;
- Un espace de rangement personnel sous l’écran TV, dont la porte se transforme en petite tablette;
- Un nouveau panneau de contrôle à LED, qui permet au passager d’ajuster son fauteuil de façon électrique et ainsi maximiser son confort durant tout le vol ;
- Un nouveau système de chargeur à induction pour appareils mobiles, une caractéristique rare sur monocouloir ;
- Des projections lumineuses de type éclairage d’ambiance autour de la tête de chaque passager, pour offrir plus de confort durant la nuit et favoriser le sommeil. STELIA Aerospace a également conçu pour China Airlines un meuble avant sur-mesure, qui permet d’optimiser l’espace de rangement et le nombre de sièges, tout en créant une ambiance accueillante pour les passagers dès leur entrée dans la cabine de l’avion.
« Au nom de STELIA Aerospace, je suis très fier d’avoir travaillé avec China Airlines pour développer ce tout nouveau fauteuil Classe Affaires Premium EQUINOX® hautement customisé pour leur A321neo. Ce fauteuil va sans aucun doute contribuer largement à augmenter le confort passager sur les lignes régionales, en ligne avec la tradition d’excellence de China Airlines », a déclaré Thierry Kanengieser, VP Cabin Interior de STELIA Aerospace.
Conçue pour offrir le meilleur en termes de poids, de largeur d’assise et de niveau de confort pour les passagers et proposant un design moderne, la famille EQUINOX® de fauteuils Classe Affaires Premium est disponible pour des configurations à la fois moyen-courrier et monocouloir.
A propos de STELIA Aerospace :
STELIA Aerospace est une marque d’
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"]" href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus Atlantic, numéro 2 mondial pour les aérostructures, numéro 1 pour les sièges pilotes et figurant dans le Top 3 pour les fauteuils passagers Premium. La gamme inspirante de fauteuils Première classe, classe Affaires Premium et classe Affaires de STELIA Aerospace, luxurieuse et sur-mesure, est le premier choix de plus de 50 compagnies aériennes prestigieuses à travers le monde. Tous les produits STELIA Aerospace ont reçu l’approbation de la
Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world.
We strive to reach the next level of safety, efficiency, environmental responsibility and global leadership. We are accountable to the American public and our stakeholders.- Safety is our passion. We work so all air and space travelers arrive safely at their destinations.
- Excellence is our promise. We seek results that embody professionalism, transparency and accountability.
- Integrity is our touchstone. We perform our duties honestly, with moral soundness, and with the highest level of ethics.
- People are our strength. Our success depends on the respect, diversity, collaboration, and commitment of our workforce.
- Innovation is our signature. We foster creativity and vision to provide solutions beyond today's boundaries." href="" class="glossaryLink ">FAA et de l’
EASA enjoys technical, financial and legal autonomy to ensure the highest common level of safety protection for EU citizens within the EU and worldwide, to ensure the highest common level of environmental protection, to avoid duplication in the regulatory and certification processes among Member States and to facilitate the creation of an internal EU aviation market.
EASA also plays a leading role within the EU External Aviation Policy: the Agency is a strong counterpart of other Aviation Authorities outside the EU (e.g. USA, Canada, Brazil) and a major contributor to the export of the EU aviation standards worldwide, in order to promote the free movement of EU aeronautical products, professionals and services throughout the world." href="" class="glossaryLink ">EASA et sont qualifiés sur leurs plateformes respectives

Boeing is the world's largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space and security systems. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports airlines and U.S. and allied government customers in 150 countries. Boeing products and tailored services include commercial and military aircraft, satellites, weapons, electronic and defense systems, launch systems, advanced information and communication systems, and performance-based logistics and training.
Boeing has a long tradition of aerospace leadership and innovation. The company continues to expand its product line and services to meet emerging customer needs. Its broad range of capabilities includes creating new, more efficient members of its commercial airplane family; integrating military platforms, defense systems and the warfighter through network-enabled solutions; creating advanced technology solutions; and arranging innovative customer-financing options.
With corporate offices in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 165,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries. This represents one of the most diverse, talented and innovative workforces anywhere. Our enterprise also leverages the talents of hundreds of thousands more skilled people working for Boeing suppliers worldwide.
Boeing is organized into two business units: Boeing Commercial Airplanes and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. Supporting these units are Boeing Capital Corporation, a global provider of financing solutions; Shared Services Group, which provides a broad range of services to Boeing worldwide; and Boeing Engineering, Operations & Technology, which helps develop, acquire, apply and protect innovative technologies and processes." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Boeing et
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A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership
Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus. Les fauteuils passagers de STELIA Aerospace ont reçu plusieurs récompenses, dont le «
[caption id="attachment_5233" align="alignnone" width="300"]

A leading presence in aerospace and defence markets, Airbus Group constantly strives for improvement by driving technological innovation, forging new partnerships and strengthening its localised presence around the globe. Reinforcing our aerospace leadership
Airbus Group is already a leader in each domain in which it operates: it has achieved parity with Boeing in the commercial aircraft segment, is the No. 1 helicopter company in the world, the European leader in space business and second in Europe in the defence sector. Moreover, since the Group’s foundation in 2000, it has increased its revenues by 145% and its annual order intake by 346%." href="" class="glossaryLink ">Airbus Excellent performance for customer support » et le « Crystal Cabin Award » en 2019