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give a little bit

Publié le 08 avril 2022 par Pjjp44
 give a little bit
 "Seulement on n'est jamais sûr d'être assez fort, puisqu'on n'a pas de système, on n'a que des lignes et des mouvements."Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari give a little bit
"Les valeurs, les morales, les patries, les religions et les certitudes privées que notre vanité et notre complaisance à nous-mêmes nous octroient généreusement sont autant de séjours que le monde aménage pour ceux qui pensent se tenir ainsi debout et au repos, parmi les choses stables : ils ne savent rien de cette immense déroute où ils s'en vont... fuite devant la fuite."Maurice Blanchot "extrait de: "L'amitié" give a little bit
"Mais improviser, c'est rejoindre le Monde ou se confondre avec lui"Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari extraits de: "Capitalisme et Schizophrénie" tome2 "Mille platea
  give a little bitEn savoir plus
   "Oh, yeah
Here we go again
Hey hey, whoa no, da na, hey hey, yeah
Give a little bit
Give a little bit of your love to me
Give a little bit
I'll give a little bit of my love to you
There's so much that we need to share
So send a smile and show you care
I'll give a little bit
I'll give a little bit of my life for you
So give a little bit
Give a little bit of your time to me
See the man with the lonely eyes
Oh, take his hand, you'll be surprised
Oh, take it
Ah, yeah
Come along
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Give a little bit
Give a little bit of your love to me
I'll give a little bit of my life for you
Now's the time that we need to share
So find yourself, we're on our way back home
Oh, going home
Don't you need, don't you need to feel at home
Oh yeah, we gotta sing
Oh yeah, you gotta get a feeling
Oh, yeah, come along too
You can come along too, yeah
Come-a, come-a, come-a, come along
Cha, cha, cha oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, come along too
Yeah, come along too, yeah
Sing Betty Lou
Come along too
What a long ride
Come a long way
Oh, sing it tonight
Oh, yeah"
Supertramp extrait de: "Even in the Quietest Moments" give a little bit
 give a little bit    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[[[[[[[[[[

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