Magazine Beaux Arts

William Kentridge

Publié le 24 septembre 2008 par Aadb
William Kentridge, Fragments for Georges Méliès and Journey to the Moon
William Kentridge, Journey to the Moon, detail
In Fragments for Georges Méliès and Journey to the Moon Kentridge combines performance, film and animation in an homage to the beginning of film making and to French film maker George Méliès' magical experimentations. Although Méliès' films had many subjects - with a predilection for devils, romantic classics and conjuring tricks performed in front of the camera - the central subject is always Méliès, the artist using the images he has made to try and see himself. Day for Night incorporates the filming of 'drawings' made by ants crawling across paper lined with sugar, which when printed in negative turn into visions of the galaxy.
Expérimenter l'espace et le temps.
To try out space and time.
Source: Space place

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