Magazine Culture

Concert du mois n°12 : Faith No More (Burgettstown, 1990)

Publié le 15 octobre 2008 par Nico²

Qui ?

Faith No More

Quand ?

12 septembre 1990

Où ?

Burgettstown, PA USA

Quoi ?


01 - Intro
02 - From Out Of Nowhere
03 - Falling To Pieces
04 - The Real Thing
05 - Underwater Love
06 - Edge Of The World
07 - We Care A Lot
08 - Sweet Dreams
09 - Surprise! You’re Dead!
10 - Epic
11 - Easy

Ca vient d’où ?

Version lossless sur DIME

Ecouter le concert

C’est pour vous faire une idée. Je vous conseille (ordonne) de récupérer la version FLAC sur le lien ci-dessus.


Faith No More
Star Lake Amphitheatre
Burgettstown, PA USA
1990/09/12 (September 12, 1990)
MASTER aud ex-

Say “Thank You, Uncle Jojo”…

Taped from Section 2, Row C, Seat 32 right in front of the stage…


One-point stereo tie mic > Sony Recording Walkman WM-F46 >
TDK AR100 high-quality normal bias master tape >
JVC TD-W505 Stereo Double Cassette Deck >
Aiwa XC-RW700 CD/CD recorder (tracked songs here) >
Memorex Cool Colors Music CD-R, 80 min.>
Cakewalk Pyro 2005 (transferred wav files onto HD here) >
Cakewalk Pyro 2005 (edited and retracked wav files here) >
Trader’s Little Helper (encoded wav to flac, level 8, aligned on sector boundaries)

Setlist & Fingerprints:

Track 01 - Intro
Track 02 - From Out Of Nowhere
Track 03 - Falling To Pieces
Track 04 - The Real Thing
Track 05 - Underwater Love
Track 06 - Edge Of The World
Track 07 - We Care A Lot
Track 08 - Sweet Dreams
Track 09 - Surprise! You’re Dead!
Track 10 - Epic
Track 11 - Easy

11 tracks, 44:47

I’m grading this (as always, “IMHO”) as an ex-tape, 9.0/10; see reasons below…


I’m posting this show because of a request from jaypayton. He asked me at first if I had any FNM. I said that I did and that it was only this show. Well, it just so happens that this is an extremely rare & sought-after show (according to jaypayton) and that a version of this show is being offered for sale by some guy in Germany for 100 US$. Pretty expensive for a 45 minute show !!! So of course I wanted to give it to jaypayton and all the rest of you Faith fans FOR FREE because I’m such a nice guy and I like to stick it to ripoff artists. So to the gentleman in Germany: Happy Trails, motherfucker !!!

My friend and I taped this show on a rainy night in Burgettstown, PA 18 years ago. Faith No More opened for Billy Idol that night and it was rather rainy. Not very many people were there for FNM, which was good for us because there is virtually NO audience talking on this tape. FNM took the stage and Mike Patton greeted us very politely: “Hey ya bastards!” The spectacle was on from there…

As far as SQ goes, we were very close to the stage. There is virtually no hiss, no speed problem and no talking. Vocals are sometimes subdued but instruments are upfront. Mike Patton is guilty of poor diction at
times but at other times you can understand virtually all that he sings. This is a really good show but not superb. I think that you all will like it and in a way, I have saved interested parties ~ 100 bucks. This tape has been sitting in my collection for 18 years because I thought that nobody wanted it. How wrong can one man be ?!?!?! That’s about all that I have to say, so let’s get this party started…

No buy, no sell, no mp3. Please seed this as long as you can. This tape has NOT been circulated AT ALL so JUMP ON IT !!! A very high-energy show in which everybody shines. I will post a sample shortly for those of you still undecided but I think you’ll find that this is a great-sounding tape and a welcome addition to any Faith No More fan’s collection. Well, thanks for reading this and Mr. Natural would like to add these few comments: have fun, don’t freak out and by all means, enjoy the concert!!!

PS: If anybody has any more FNM, UP IT AND DON’T BE A HOARDER (A WHOREDER) ! Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em….

jojogunne 10/11/2008

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