In the States, you can track the Fall/Winter calendar fairly accurately by the selection of goods on offer at your local Walmart or 7-11. A few weeks following the back-to-school rush, you see the shelves filling with all sorts of Halloween candies, costumes and other spooky fare. Once the shelves are cleared of that lot, it's time to get ready for Turkey! And then while you are recovering from all that pumpkin pie, stuffing, cranberry sauce and tryptophan-laden turkey, you have in quick succession: Black Friday, Christmas, & New Year's.
Here in France, it's quite a different story. Following "la rentrée" (which can only be explained as a cross between back-to-school and New Year's) in early September, there's a big black hole until St Nick makes his rounds, which explains why you can find Advent calendars and other Christmas chocolates on sale at the end of October! And Christmas decorations in the stores, on the streets, and hanging from lamp-posts and buildings everywhere appear not long after. I even saw Christmas trees at my local florist this week!
We had a bit of snow yesterday so I have to admit I am starting to feel the jingle bell vibe! (Or maybe it's just the lack of heat in our apartment as the building's radiator is on its last leg -- perfect timing!). I hosted a pre-Xmas sale at my house today for the parents' association I belong to, MESSAGE.

There was quite an excellent selection of vendors, all MESSAGE members, if I don't say so myself. Exquisite hand-made cards made by Bonne Fete*. Adorable leather shoes for babies, kids and adults from Daisy Roots. (Can you guess which pretty pink booties my little cupcake will be wearing this Winter?) Educational books by Usborne, cupcakes from yours truly and stylish hand-made barrettes and the Pockaboo by the gals at lu & roo.

I happily was able to cross some holiday gifts off my list! Thanks to everyone who participated and attended!
* Bonne Fete cards can be purchased by writing to: [email protected]