Magazine Beaux Arts

Biennale de Lyon 2007: Art Process’ “wysiwygart travel” on September

Publié le 04 août 2007 par Sandrine Joseph @sandrinejoseph

Biennale de Lyon 2007Art Process organize a “wysiwygart travel” at Lyon. Here is below the invitation. As usual for more details, contact Isabelle Sciamma on our behalf.

“During the inaugural week of the Lyon Contemporary Art Biennial, artists, galleries, collectors, curators and art critics from around the world will be gathered for this momentous occasion to discover Stéphanie Moisdon’s and Hans Ulrich Obrist curatorial project. In the meantime, don’t miss the new international contemporary art fair Docks Art Fair 07, located next to the Biennial’s notable location, “La Sucrière”. Under a tent expressly set up at the docks along the banks of the Saône River, 40 international galleries, some of which are currently the most daring, will present 40 emerging artists and their exclusive solo shows.”

From 340 euros/pers - 2 days / 1 night

Round trip Paris-Lyon direct TGV / 3*** Hotel in Lyon / transfers station-hotel

the “Unlimited” program proposed by an art process artistic advisor and travel angel”

Information reservation Isabelle

  • mail.
  • tel. +33 (0)1 47 00 90 85

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