Here are ten albums you HAVE TO buy if you like Swedish music (and this blog). It could be some others. But right now, those are my fav of the year 2008. In alphabetical order, with no sales talk. That's just a list.
Voici dix albums que vous DEVEZ acheter si vous aimez le rock suédois (et ce blog). Il pourrait y en avoir d'autres. Mais à l'instant où j'écris ces lignes, voici mes préférés de l'année 2008. Par ordre alphabétique, sans argumentaire. Il ne s'agit que d'une liste.
Convoj - Exceptionnel [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Hästpojken - Caligula [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Hello Saferide - More Modern Short Stories From... [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Love is All - A Hundred Things Keep Me Up At Night [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Lykke Li - Youth Novels [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Nina Kinert - Pets and Friends [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Paddington DC - Love is Leukemia [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Paper - An Object [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Pascal - Galgberget [to buy it : mp3 / CD]
Zeigeist - The Jade Motel [to buy it : mp3 / CD]