Magazine Focus Emploi

AFFICHAGE: film promo a guy who ejaculates fire...

Publié le 28 janvier 2009 par Jean Julien Guyot
A campaign with an unconventional twist for Director Brian Belefants comedy ‘Burning Passion’ is a film about a guy who ejaculates fire. The story is a metaphor for male sexual identity and has a brutally cynical view of love. So of course...Valentine’s Day would seem the worst possible day to screen it.

Working closely with Creative Advocate and Social Networking Consultant Cosondra Sjostrom. They hatched a plan to reach single people on the most romantic day of the year. How do you reach all the lonely hearts who don’t have a date? Well.
In order to inform their audience, Sjostrom and Belefant recruited staff in cities from Seattle to Chicago to New York to Tokyo to Toronto and many in between, instructing them to place posters in laundromats for two weeks prior to the event. The posters direct audience members to, where the film will play at a time when most of the world is nibbling on chocolate, sipping champagne, and professing undying love.
belefant, Cosondra Sjostrom, social media, blog, ipub, strategy, jean julien guyot,,, Cosondra Sjostrom, social media, blog, ipub, strategy, jean julien guyot,,, Cosondra Sjostrom, social media, blog, ipub, strategy, jean julien guyot,,
After 200 Poster were plastered across the world in Laundromats and the loneliest of audiences have been hit. The film will play via webcast for free at midnight on Valentine’s Day at
To see Belefant’s work, please visit For more information, please contact Cosondra Sjostrom

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