Propriétés et normes pour les matières plastiques
Propriétés électriques et mécaniques
Type of test Standard Severity Functional checkout Duration
Intrusion attempt
Intrusion resistance ENV 1627 - 1999 Resistance class: 3 5min
Test specification ENV 1630 - 1999 Tool set B
Type of test Standard Severity Functional checkout Duration
Intrusion attempt
Tear-out resistance No specified standard 100000 N at 1.5m height 20 minutes
Type of test Standard Severity Functional checkout Duration
Functional climatic qualification
Dry cold temperature IEC 60068-2-1 - 1995 -30°C Before, During and After the test 16h
Dry heat temperature IEC 60068-2-2 - 1993 45°C Before, During and After the test 16h
Dry temperature - Cyclic EN 60068-2-14 - 2000 -30°C / +45°C Before, During and After the test 3h
Damp heat temperature IEC 60068-2-3 35°C / 95%HR Before, During and After the test 16h
Damp heat temperature - Cyclic IEC 60068-2-30 - 1999 20°C to 35°C / 95%HR Before, During and After the test 2x12h
Storage cold temperature IEC 60068-2-48 - 1999 -30°C Before, During and After the test 96h
Storage heat temperature IEC 60068-2-48 - 2000 60°C Before, During and After the test 96h
Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation ? Solar radiation: 1120W/m2 Before, During and After the test Functional tests to be done after 16h of stabilisation
External Temperature: 45°C
Salted spray
Salted spray resistance NFC 20711 Ka test Test on relevant terminal samples (material + paint plates, external accessories...). 96h
Type of test Standard Severity Functional checkout Duration
Dust and water Protection Index
Dust and water EN 50529 - 1992 (IEC 60529 ?) IP54 and IP33 for openings IP5X cat 2 (no depression for dust)
Cleaning Solvents
Cleaning water & denatured isopropyl alcohol
Type of test Standard Severity Functional checkout Duration
Electrical safety
EN 60 950 Electrical hazards
Mechanical hazards
Fire hazards
Thermal hazards
Type of test Standard Severity Functional checkout Duration
Mechanical pulling resistance No specified standard 1000 N at a height of 1.5 metres
Mechanical pressure resistance No specified standard 800 N on 5 cm2
Mechanical impacts EN 50102 IK10 (20J) 5 impacts on each concerned part (maximum 3 of them at the same location)
Mechanical shocks IEC 60068-2-27 1994 5G 3 shocks per direction (6 directions) 11ms half sinus
Type of test Standard Severity Functional checkout Duration
Fixed equipment
Random vibration wide brand IEC 60068-2-64 From 10-150Hz - 0,5G rms - ASD Level 0,005 Before, During and After 30 min on each axis
Sinusoïdal vibration IEC 60068-2-6 1995 From 10-150Hz - 0,5G - Sweep 20/axis Before, During and After ?
Sinusoïdal vibration IEC 60068-2-6 1995 RDF 1g (10-150Hz) - G level 2gn2 - Sweep 20/axis Before, During and After ?
Resonance frequency detection and suppression (RDF) CEI 68-2-6 - 1987 (IEC60068-2-6 1995 ?) from 3 to 200Hz on the 3 axes
Operation during vibrations CEI 68-2-6 - 1987 (IEC60068-2-6 1995 ?) 4M3 Before, during and after the test A
Transport / Packaged equipment MIL STD 810E Method 514.5, level?, type of transport? Before / After the test A, US Highway truck vibration exposures, figure 514. 5C-1