Magazine Culture

Métier (02/03/09)

Publié le 02 mars 2009 par Pintini
- LibQUAL+ à l'UCL
Si vous êtes étudiants ou membres du personnel de l'UCL, participez à cette enquête (du 23 février au 3 avril 2009).
- Library ROI: A Brief Webliography
(source: It's all good, 21/02/09)
- Twenty-nine reports about the future of academic libraries
(source: Confessions of a Science Librarian / via iLibrarian, 25/02/09)
- web2pointyou
(source: McGill School of Information Studies, Montréal, Québec; conférence)
- Code4Lib 2009
Conférence (23-26 février, Brown University Library, E.-U.)
A suivre sur panlibus:
> Code4Lib - Day 1
> Fight the good fight - Day 2
> Final day in Providence – looking forward to Asheville
Lire aussi:
> Top take-aways from Code4lib 2009 (Terry's Worklog)
> Ian Davis code{4}lib keynote: data outlasts code (Planet RDF)
- GIS For Visualization Of Library Usage Data And Holdings
(source: Reference Notes, 19/02/09)
- Librarians' attitudes towards marketing library services
(source: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 1, 39-50 (2009) / via Maxime)
"This research set out to explore the attitudes of school, academic and public librarians towards marketing libraries. The main question that was examined is whether personality characteristics such as empowerment, extroversion and resistance to change influence librarians' attitudes towards the marketing of libraries. One hundred and fifty-six participants took part in this study. The research tools included: a personal details questionnaire, extroversion/ introversion questionnaire, attitudes towards marketing a library questionnaire, a resistance to change questionnaire and an empowerment questionnaire. The most important finding of this research was the positive correlation between personal characteristics: empowerment, extroversion and resistance to change and attitudes towards marketing libraries. The results of the current research emphasize the idea that librarians of all branches should be exposed to marketing concepts in order to maintain their central position as information providers despite — and within — the new technologies."
- LIS Open Access E-Journal - where are you?
(source: Taler, Izabella, Webology, 5(4), Article 62)
"Access to published information is of interest to many users. Library and information science (LIS) professionals are especially interested in gaining access and guiding users to all available information. Though they are often dependent on traditional subscription-based library resources, moving away from the costly ones and replacing them with usage of available open access sources, presents practitioners with a significant budget consideration in today's shrinking economy. This paper examines the availability of current LIS open access e-journals; their presence in well- and less-well known abstracting and indexing sources, their inclusion in standard library bibliographic tools as well as coverage by Google Scholar, a computer generated search engine."
- [vidéo] The European Library
Projets et partenariats de la "bibliothèque européenne".
- Qualities of Successful Managers
(source: The Palinet Leadership Network, fév. 09)
- A Pre-OPAL Chat with Marshall Breeding
(source: ALA TechSource, 27/02/09)

[04/02/09] J'ai été contraint de revoir la forme de la "politique éditoriale" de ce site, aussi légère et inconsistante soit-elle. Plus question d'effectuer une veille quotidienne et de sélectionner ce qui vaut la peine d'occuper un billet entier et ce qui doit rejoindre une liste de liens. Je me contenterai donc, pour ainsi dire, de publier quelques billets récapitulatifs par grands thèmes une fois par semaine. Autour du week-end, par là. Ou quand j'aurai un moment.
[10/02/09] Si des collègues UCL et Académie Louvain souhaitent s'impliquer, histoire de rendre cette veille moins onaniste, libres à eux. Ils savent où me trouver.

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