- Indexation collaborative: entre gain informationnel et déperdition conceptuelle?
(source: Evelyne Broudoux, in Traitements et pratiques documentaires. Vers un changement de paradigme? - Document numérique et société, France (2008) / déposé sur ArchiveSIC, 03/03/09)
"Cette communication se propose de tirer un premier bilan lié à une nouvelle activité d’écriture sur le web : la catégorisation des contenus par les usagers à l’aide d’outils de mise en signets (bookmarking). Trois angles permettent de tracer les contours d’une technique dont l’innovation est rapide tant du point de vue d’une nouvelle génération d’outils que celui de leur adoption par les usagers. Une synthèse fait le point des premières études sur l’apport de l’indexation collaborative massivement distribuée à la recherche d’information et son intégration par les interfaces d’interrogation de catalogues en ligne. Est constaté le début d’utilisation en entreprise de cette accumulation d’informations réalisée en collectif."
- The Psychology of Twitter
(source: Intute, 07/03/09)
- Nouveau Facebook = Plus d’opportunités pour les annonceurs
(source: Fred Cavazza, 05/03/09)
- Slate.fr: charte des commentaires
1. Pour pouvoir contribuer à Slate.fr, vous devez avant tout vous enregistrer.
2. Tout ce qui est publié étant relu, c'est aussi le cas pour vos commentaires.
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4. Comme nous ne sommes pas là pour nous faire insulter, les commentaires agressifs et injurieux seront éliminés.
5. Cela ne sert à rien de publier 10 fois le même commentaire parce que celui-ci n'est pas apparu. La validation peut prendre du temps. Et multi publier aurait plutôt tendance à nous donner envie de tout enlever.
6. Les contributions hors sujet rejoindront tout aussi vite le cimetière des commentaires.
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- Les réseaux sociaux : un monde à prendre avec du recul
(source: ReadWriteWeb France, 02/03/09)
- Twitter Begins Rolling Out Search and Trends
(source: ReadWriteWeb, 06/03/09)
- On Measuring Expertise in Collaborative Tagging Systems
(source: Au Yeung, C. M., Noll, M., Gibbins, N., Meinel, C. and Shadbolt, N. (2009) On Measuring Expertise in Collaborative Tagging Systems. In: Web Science Conference: Society On-Line, 18th-20th March 2009, Athens, Greece. (In Press) / déposé sur ECS Southampton, 09/03/09)
"Collaborative tagging systems such as Delicious.com provide a new means of organizing and sharing resources. They also allow users to search for documents relevant to a particular topic or for other users who are experts in a particular domain. Nevertheless, identifying relevant documents and knowledgeable users is not a trivial task, especially when the volume of documents is huge and there exist spamming activities. In this paper, we discuss the notions of experts and expertise in the context of collaborative tagging systems. We propose that the level of expertise of a user in a particular topic is mainly determined by two factors: (1) there should be a relationship of mutual reinforcement between the expertise of a user and the quality of a document; and (2) an expert should be one who tends to identify useful documents before other users discover them. We propose a graph-based algorithm, SPEAR (SPamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking), which implements the above ideas for ranking users in a collaborative tagging system. We carry out experiments on both simulated data sets and real-world data sets obtained from Delicious, and show that SPEAR is more resistant to spamming than other methods such as the HITS algorithm and simple statistical measures."
- Supporting Meaningful Social Networks
(source: ECS Southampton, 10/03/09)
"Recent years have seen exponential growth of social network sites SNSs such as Facebook, MySpace and Friendster. As their sizes grow, social networks encounter many problems such as friendship inflation, fakesters, spamming and phishing, online personas and privacy isssues. From Sixdegrees.com to Facebook.com, there have been rise and fall of many SNSs. However, there is a lack of theory and model to describe the growth and development of SNSs. This thesis analyses the clash between publicity and privacy on social network, which is triggered by the technique of description-based connection. It shows how the clash causes the problem of friendship inflation. We present a hyperfriendship network model that indicates how friendship inflation can devalue the social network and eventually lead to its decline. Despite the gravity of the issue, there is surprisingly little academic research that have been done to address the problems. Therefore, we design RealSpace, a social network engine (SNE) based on evolving social network model. The algorithm of ActiveLink is devised to identify meaningful connections. The system introduces threeo other algorithms: proximity index, community structure detection and social connectivity. A prototype is presented to show the implementation of the system. Finally, we look at the problems on how to improve the network model and algorithm efficiency."
- Intéropérabilité des plateformes sociales, on y est presque (peut-être)
(source: Fred Cavazza, 11/03/09)
- Information Seeking can be Social: the potential for Social Search
(source: Augmented Social Cognition, 12/03/09)