Magazine Culture

Techno-fil (14/03/09)

Publié le 14 mars 2009 par Pintini
RFID chips: enabling the efficient exchange of information
(source: NEP: New Economics Papers, RePEc, 09/03/09)
"More and more companies are using RFID radio chip technology to boost their competitiveness. Yet RFID not only enhances the efficiency of the company deploying it. It also promotes innovativeness in the economy as a whole. Nevertheless, not every RFID project driven by a technological vision will necessarily become a commercial success for the user. In any event, though, RFID will enable producers to tap sizeable potential. Considering the host of potential application areas – particularly in production, the distributive trade and the transport industry – RFID turnover is likely to increase. With the shift in market shares for individual RFID components and the exodus of production of less sophisticated products from the high-wage countries, Asia is poised to become the continent with the highest turnover."
- An Exhaustive Look at the Web Browsers of Today and Tomorrow [Browser Wars]
(source: LifeHacker, 06/03/09)
- Grid, Distributed and Cloud Computing Resources
(source: M.P. Zillman, 09/03/09)
- Sociology of the Mobile Phone : webographie
(source: Université de Zurich, département de sociologie)
- L'avenir est au «cloud computing»
(source:, 09/03/09)
"[...] à mon sens, le meilleur ordinateur c'est celui qui disparaît pendant que vous l'utilisez."
- My University and the Web: Priorities
(source: Darcusblog, 09/03/09)
- DEMO Trend: The Smarter Web
- DEMO Trend: The Smarter Web (Part 2)
(source: ReadWriteWeb, 03-04/03/09)
- How to Delete Accounts from Any Website
(source: PC Mag / via iLibrarian, 10/03/09)
- Faceted Exploration of Emerging Resource Spaces
(source: arXiv, 10/03/09)
"Humans have the ability to regcognize the real world from different facets. Faceted exploration is a mechanism for browsing and understanding large-scale resources in information network by multiple facets. This paper proposes an Emerging Resource Space Model, whose schema is a partially ordered set of concepts with subclassOf relation and each resource is categorized by multiple concepts. Emering Resource Space (ERS) is a class of resources characterized by a concept set. ERSes compose a lattice (ERSL) via concept association. A series of exploration operations is proposed to guide users to explore through ERSL with more demanding and richer semantics than current faceted navigation. To fulfill instant response during faceted exploration, we devise an efficient algorithm for mining and indexing ERSL. The proposed model can effectively support faceted exploration in various applications from personal information management to large-scale information sharing."
- The Tech Static
Edition du 10/03/09
- Le cerveau, objet technologique (6/8) : Drogues, ondes et lumières…
(source: InternetActu, 11/03/09)
(voir épisodes précédents)
- Future of Cloud Computing: A Long-Term Forecast
(source: Wired, 10/03/09)
"Cloud computing is at an awkward stage: Is it the next big thing or a fundamentally flawed idea?"
- 7 Things You Should Know About P2P Techno-fil (14/03/09)
(source: Educause)
"Peer-to-peer (P2P) is an approach to content distribution in which digital files are transferred between “peer” computers over the Internet. Because they do not rely on a central server to deliver content, P2P networks tend to be fast and reliable—they can balance traffic loads that might otherwise overwhelm servers, and they minimize the chance of service breakdown due to localized server or communication outages. As a new channel for content distribution, P2P changes the conventional hierarchy of information. The roles of producer, consumer, and gatekeeper of digital content blur, and more information and resources can be delivered to more people and applications than otherwise would be possible. P2P technology has the potential to play an important, positive role in the fulfillment of institutional missions of teaching, research, and the dissemination of knowledge."

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