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Just talk with BOBSMADE

Publié le 06 septembre 2007 par Kanthos

Pour cette première "interview", Bobsmade, jeune artiste qui prend goût à customiser vos shoes, nous en dit un peu plus sur elle. Un entretien virtuel via Myspace, ici, là, après le "jump", et en anglais...

Who are you Bobsmade ? Can you introduce yourself …
I’m Anne Schroeder alias Bobsmade! (Please don’t call me Bob) I’m 20 and come from the middel of Germany.
Why do you customize shoes (why not tee-shirts, pants...), and since when ?
One year ago we got a school clothes project, to design a hole outfit, inclusive shoes. So that was the first one I paint on. And in may this year I decided to buy myself a new pair, because the old ones lost there sole. On this pair I put on my friendly school comic charakter "LOTTI" and uploade a picture to DeviantArt. Also because I liked the shoe Design of acornlique so much. And then came YUZI a funny person from usa asked me if I could make a pair for her. As this one was ready the next customer came, and so on. I also would customize others, but the people want SHOES!
What's your culture background, by what are you inspirate ?
I allways take stuff i made before, put it in front of me, and start to copie some details and invent new one (the topics the orderer gives me).
What’s your projects now ?
I will start my Art study on October, afterwards I want to become independent.
Choose a disc or a song for : create, wake up, go to party, make love :
For all 4 points : "Beatles"!!
So, if I want one pair ?
Just contact me at :
or an e-mail… I do them in my freetime.

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