Recette suggérée par Babette de Babette Feasts
dans le cadre de ma cinquante-deuxième participation aux TWD
See through in the sunlight
She wore lemon
But never in the daylight
She's gonna make you cry
She's gonna make you whisper and moan
And when you're dry
She draws her water from the stone
And I feel
Like I'm slowly, slowly, slowly slipping under
And I feel
Like I'm holding onto nothing
She wore lemon
To colour in the cold grey night
She had heaven
And she held on so tight
A man makes a picture
A moving picture
Through the light projected
He can see himself up close
A man captures colour
A man likes to stare
He turns his money into light to look for her
And I feel
Like I'm drifting, drifting, drifting from the shore
And I feel
Like I'm swimming out to her
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
See through in the sunlight
A man builds a city
With banks and cathedrals
A man melts the sand so he can
See the world outside
her there
A man makes a car
And builds roads to run them on
A man dreams of leaving
But he always stays behind
And these are the days
When our work has come assunder
And these are the days
When we look for something other
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
A man makes a picture
A moving picture
Through the light projected
He can see himself up close
her there
A man captures colour
A man likes to stare
He turns his money into light
To look for her
She is the dreamer
She's imagination
Through the light projected
He can see himself up close
U2 - Lemon - Album: Zooropa, 1993
Paroles - Bono, musique - The Edge
Vidéo de "Lemon" - U2
- 2 citrons
- 1½ t. sucre
- 2 œufs
- ½ t. crème
- 1½ c. à table fécule de maïs
- 4 c. à table beurre fondu tiédi
Suivre les directives pour la recette de pâte sucrée et distribuer la pâte dans un moule à tarte de 9".
Mettre au congélateur pendant 30 minutes et faire cuire au four sur la grille du centre, à 375° pendant 10 minutes.
Laisser tiédir avant de garnir et poursuivre la cuisson.
Pour la garniture
Prélever le zeste et les suprêmes des citrons et les déposer dans la jarre du blender.
Ajouter le sucre, les œufs, la crème, la fécule et le beurre tiédi et pulvériser le tout jusqu’à bien lisse.
Verser l’appareil dans la croûte refroidie et poursuivre la cuisson au four sur la grille du centre, à 325° pendant 20 à 25 minutes.
Augmenter la température à 350° et continuer de cuire pour 25 à 30 minutes supplémentaires, pour une cuisson totale de 45 à 55 minutes (garniture).
Laisser tiédir une trentaine de minute avant de mettre au réfrigérateur jusqu’à complètement refroidie et bien ferme.
Source : Baking, From My Home to Yours – Dorie Greenspan - déclinaison