Magazine Conso

kid’s set :: cardboard furniture for kids

Publié le 15 juin 2009 par Eglue
TOKYON METROPOLITAN GALLERY // carton furniture series for kids

METROCS TOKYO METROPOLITAN GALLERY // carton furniture series for kids

Alors qu’il organisait une rétrospective du travail de Riki Watanabe, le revendeur Metrocs de Tokyo-Sapporo a relancé en 2005 quelques-unes de ses créations en production, dont sa Carton Furniture Series. Et parmi elle, Kid’s Set, un kit de mobilier en carton pour enfants contenant une table carrée et deux tabourets qui se glissent dessus.

While it organized a retrospective of Riki Watanabe’s work, the Tokyo-Sapporo retailer Metrocs launched in 2005 several of his designs back in production, including his Carton Furniture Series. And among this, Kid’s Set, a set of carboard furniture for kids that contains a square table and two stools which slide right under it.

-> via design milk

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