Magazine Culture

E-books: comment ça marche

Publié le 27 juin 2009 par Pintini

E-Books: Understanding the Basics E-books: comment ça marche

"Before we can talk about ebooks and the issues surrounding them, we must define what an ebook is. This is not as easy as one may think. Although e-books appear in headlines with regular frequency these days, there is still confusion about what exactly an e-book is that makes it difficult to focus on the real issues. For many people, especially in the last few years, an e-book is a handheld device whose main purpose is to look and act like a book. For others, an e-book is a book that one can read on one’s computer. And for a growing number of people, an e-book is something that you can read on your PDA, smartphone, iPod, etc."

(source: California Digital Library, juin 09 / via DigitalKoans, 25/06/09)

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