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En français:

••• Star Wars la série TV, c'est parti !
É - Colombes,France
Les scénaristes de la prochaine série télévisée se déroulant dans l'univers Star Wars ont commencé à se réunir. Le lancement du tournage devrait se situer à ...
Quelques infos sur The Clone Wars Saison 2
Star Wars-Universe - France
C'est vraiment du Star Wars. IGN : La série a quelques fois montré un côté plus sombre [des personnages] que ce que les gens s'attendaient à voir. ...
Ingrid Bétancourt : le film confirmé !
AlloCiné - France
Elle ajoute que Kathleen Kennedy, productrice de nombreux films de Steven Spielberg comme La Liste de Schindler ou encore Munich, travaille également ...
Quand Harrison Ford perd son sang froid en pleine rue !
Closer - France
Mais pourquoi le beau Harrison Ford s'énerve t-il à ce point sur la pauvre Rachel McAdams en pleine rue ? Rassurez-vous tout ça n'est que du cinéma ! ...
Clés USB Star Wars - CA,USA
Ces nouvelles clés USB Star Wars devraient plaire aux fans du film. Selon votre préférence, vous aurez le choix entre Darth Vader,Yoda, Stormtrooper et Boba ...
DVDrama - Paris,France
Alors que Transformers 2 : la revanche déferle sur le monde, Scott Farrar, superviseur des effets visuels chez Industrial Light and Magic, revient sur la ...
En anglais:
No Nick Fury Action Until The Avengers, Says Sam Jackson
First Showing - Los Angeles,CA,USA
We expect to see a lot of exciting footage at the San Diego Comic-Con, but I'm certain we won't be seeing any of Samuel Jackson in that footage. ...
Live-Action Star Wars TV Series Gearing Up To Shoot In The Land ...
io9 - San Francisco,CA,USA
... Aussie TV industry, including writers from the Love My Way and Secret Life of Us, who have been approached by Lucas' longtime producer Rick McCallum. ...
SW Fan Club Breakfast Raffle At SDCC - USA
Other guests include Dave Filoni, supervising director of Star Wars: The Clone Wars; Derryl depriest, who is in charge of Star Wars business at Hasbro; ...
The Force is With These Videos: and Lucasfilm Ltd ...
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
NEW YORK , July 1 /PRNewswire/ -- and Lucasfilm Ltd. have once again joined forces for the "Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge," a contest honoring the ...
G4 and Lucasfilm team up for historic Star Wars event - USA
The Lucasfilm panels are normally kept secret from those not attending the sold-out "Star Wars Day" panels usually held on the Friday of the convention. ...
Lucasfilm's plan is about sustainability
Marin Independent-Journal - San Rafael,CA,USA
George Lucas' readiness to complete the final phase of the master plan for Lucasfilm, Ltd. - which was approved in 1996 - is a welcome counterpoint to the ...
Coppola inspired to start his 2nd career - Erie,PA,USA
By G. ALLEN JOHNSON So this is Francis Ford Coppola at 70, relaxing on his front porch on his estate in California's wine country. He seems so serene and, ...
New Tales of Monkey island art and screens emerge
Destructoid - Miami,Florida,USA
The people at LucasArts and Telltale probably think I'ma retard. On my way to the Star Wars: The Old Republic demonstration at E3 2009, I stumbled and then ...
Pixar Promises a Mature and Classy 'Toy Story 3'
Cinematical - Santa Monica,CA,USA
Thankfully, it's PIXAR at the helm rather than sequel-squeezing Disney, and they assure everyone that the third installment will actually bring closure to ...