Magazine Culture

A agence créative, candidature créative

Publié le 09 octobre 2007 par Alex Gaudin

C'est un joli post trouvé sur le blog de W+K London.
Je le retranscrit tel quel, une sorte d'hommage à Panton (dont j'avais vu une belle rétrospective en 2005 à la Saline Royale d'Arc et Senans, un autre lieu assez magique à découvrir.
So, we got this email the other day:
Hello Wieden + Kennedy London, My name is Luke Forsythe. If you are reading this on the morning of the 24th then I will be sitting outside on a turquoise Verner Panton. Please do not be alarmed. I'm in a good state of mental health. However, I am determined to talk to a senior member of Creative. I know how busy you all are so I simply plan to wait until somebody has a spare moment. I have a first degree in product design and have recently freelanced as a branding consultant and designer. I excel in idea generation and communication. I have the utmost respect and appreciation for what Wieden + Kennedy is doing and want, very much, to be a part of it. Regards, Luke ForsytheWe looked out the window and there he was. Sitting in the rain on his plastic chairLucy and Daz met him and really liked him.
So much so that we may even offer him a seat inside out of the rain for a bit.
NB: this trick has been done now. Please don't try it again.
Et en prime une vidéo assez hilarante dégottée chez Planning from the Outside.

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